Friday, June 8, 2018

Downright terrifying.

During my conference last week, which was such a fantastic experience for me, one of the speakers spoke about the importance of having a VISION BOARD. This is a board where you put all of the big dreams you hope to accomplish in one place- make it pretty, or not- but put it somewhere you can see it often. It serves as a reminder of what you are working toward and when the work hours grow long, you can look back and say- yep, keep going girl.

I thought about it for days after the conference. I had lots of little study sessions where I felt like I was given a nudge here and a random thought there. Today while I was working on my Sunday School lesson, I read the words- "So let me ask you a question, What were you born to do?" Um. *cough* Hello, God. I'm listening.

Some of these goals are HUGE. Like Donald Trump "YUGE". Some I can work on right now...its all about keeping my head down and working the way I know I can so that one day I can look back at this and say- gosh, I did all that, I need a new board!

I know for a lot of people, they get in their own way. They talk to themselves in a way that prevents them from taking the big leaps, the big steps to move forward. I'm certainly guilty of that too, but a vision board puts it all in my face, telling me, "You really want these things? Get to work, honey." I don't mean WORK work, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's a mindset shift and sometimes it's hours and hours of effort.

These pictures might mean nothing to you, and really that's OK. It's MY board. It makes me teary (not that that's hard, people). It makes me excited....and if I'm honest it makes me a little...? Out of breath? Anxious? Scared? And maybe a little terrified? Ha!

So what would your vision board look like? What are your big scary goals? Jump on this crazy train, y'all! We are going places!!!
