Full show here: https://www.facebook.com/9626619/videos/10106395428656597/ |
For those of you who have had a busy week, you might have missed the announcement that I got picked to go on a special tour of the LuLaRoe warehouse AND be able to pick my own order while I am there. I entered the contest on kinda a whim. I mean, when it comes to LuLa, I haven't had the best luck! Example cited:
- 90 days to receive my initial inventory
- Usually at the end of the line on capsules and sometimes miss the chance all together
- Did not receive any Noir
- And yesterday I got this:
I actually am not upset about this, but just roll with the punches because- that's just the way life goes sometimes! When I got the e-mail saying that I got selected, I had mixed emotions.
- Is this for real?
- Did everyone get picked?
- Is this for real? And *I* got picked?
So I asked on one of my team pages and not everyone got picked! Crazysauce! So then I began to ask a bunch of questions. I talked to Taryn, I asked one of my VIPs, I asked my family, I talked to Todd...and then we made the big announcement!
Since then I've had all sort of anxiety! Ha! But, I have bought my plane ticket, I have a hotel room, and I even have a rental car. Y'all, I may be pushing 40, but I am treading in new waters here! This #momof5girls has spent a lifetime taking care of others, and while this is a business trip for my business- it is a solo trip! I can't even take anyone into the warehouse with me if I wanted to (and I totally want to!)
I have been thinking about the trip a lot. I want this to be magical for my shop and a good experience for me...so I've asked for those who want me to try to grab something just for them to fill out the google doc HERE. But I've had another idea too. For those of you who buy something in my shop between now & when I leave, or financially support my trip in any way- I am going to set up a special VIP group that will be the first to see all that I picked. Above is an actual picture of what it will look like for me when I pull my goods. It seems only fair that those who help me, get something special out of the deal!
And that's my big news! I leave in 3 weeks (PANIC!!) but I'm so excited! And I've been hoping to start blogging again, and this is PERFECT timing! So if you're in the need of some cute clothes before I leave, let me hook you up! We have some fun sales going on now & more to be announced in the upcoming weeks. Until then, I'll just be trying to wrap my head around the whole deal and trying to breathe deeply. Adventure awaits me- and I'd love for you to come along! :)
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