Today is the first day of school for my kids. (Imagine me breaking out into a jive as I type this.) Listen, I adore my children- they really take the cheese, but the last week of summer vacation is all kinds of painful. EVERYONE is bored. EVERYTHING is boring. NO ONE wants to play nice- including me. (Insert a big ol' flabbergasted sigh right here.) But TODAY- today everyone was full of butterflies and smiles, just like I like them to be one Day 1. While the big kids have been away, the littles and I have done all sorts of exciting things: watched PBS, talked about the rain, loads and loads of laundry, and I have dinner in the crock pot. If the laundry was folded and put away, I'd give myself a solid B+, but since its just staring at my from the other couch, I'm going with a B- and I can live with that.
Over the weekend I attempted to figure out Twitter. Let's just say I'm going to need some more time. Although I have an account? now- I'm not sure what else to do with it. I'm just hopeful that I'm not making weird makes-no-sense tweets like I did when I first went on Facebook. Now that I have the "Memories" to review on FB, I am often reminded of my posting learning curve. Lindsey, no one cares about your pickle canning- move on.
In my Twitter "research" I came across some #lularoe haters. I also read an article one of my friends posted that talked about the evils of an MGM corporation- am I even saying that right? It all got me thinking- and I really want you to hear me out on this one. I don't want to bug you. I really, really don't. If you think Lularoe is for losers, and you have absolutely no interested, just scroll on by, my friend. Happy day to ya. But here's the thing- I have decided to make this business part of my life. I've invested a lot of moolah that I can do this crazy stunt and I can't do it alone. So I might post occasionally on my personal site about it and I may tag you if I think you'd be interested in something, but I'm going to try to keep it to a minimal. That's why I set up a separate group- so the people that want to see my latest news can. OK? We cool?
You: Hey Linz, I need a dress for my _________ event.
Me: Cool. What size?
You: 8
Me: Awesome, you want to come try on what I have or do you want me to send you pictures before you change out of pajamas?
I also really love the idea of having girls night out at my house. You and a group of your friends just come over. Try stuff on. Buy what you like, leave what you don't. Fun! Shopping is way more fun with friends and I'm so not the pressure person. You can leave guilt free!
Don't like shopping? Our conversation could go like this:
You: I hate shopping almost as much as I hate cauliflower.
Me: Cauliflower is of the devil.
You: What can you do?
Me: Shop for you and leave the cauliflower to rot in the ground.
You: Done.
I know this is a pyramid. I'm not currently interested in going up the ladder, I just want to fit my friends in comfy clothes. It will help me reach my financial goals and help you feel better about yourself. It's a great situation.
So ya, please. Don't hate. I'm just trying to figure this whole mess out and I'm bringing you along. You're welcome.
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