Monday, August 15, 2016

It started with my hair...

This post has been a long time coming. You see a few months ago I decided to get my hair chopped. For those that have known me a while, this is no big deal. I'm that cabbage patch doll that you can change the hair on- I grow my hair long, keep it for a long time because it is easy (and cheap) and then I get sick of it and chop it off.  Sometimes its a major cut, sometimes it is just shorter.  Whateve, I have easy hair.  It can be straight. It is naturally curly.  It can be curled or straightened. It grows fast too, so if I hate a cut, then all I need to do is wait a bit and BAM, hair cut time returns. You get the idea.  I know, I'd hate me too.

On the day I got my hair chopped, I was feeling a bit...rebellious? I wanted to go short, but not just shorter, shorter than I had ever gone before. (Did you hear the echo there?) I went to a new stylist and basically said- give it all you got, girl. And lucky for me, she was amazing.  She said- OK, I've got an idea- then picked up her shears.

And although I can't quite get it to look exactly like it did in the hands of my darling stylist (who can?), I have loved learning to do my new 'do. But here's the thing- this hair cut did more for me than lessen my drying time.  It opened up something in me that had been missing- without my knowing it.

I have always been on the outgoing side of personalities. I don't mind talking in front of an audience nor do I mind meeting new people or putting myself out there.  However, as a busy Mom of 5 little girls, I am guilty of putting the needs of everyone else in the family before mine. Every Mom reading this is like- um ya, that's called being a mom. The thing is, I believe there is a balance that must be met.  Your scale isn't going to look like mine (after all not too many of you have at least 5 heads of hair to do each morning nor the giant pile of pink clothing) but you will have some sort of balancing act that works for you. As we do this mommy gig, sometimes the "me" things get dropped because hello- no one else is gonna reorganize the laundry room. After a while you drop the "me" things without even realizing them and sometimes when you pick them back up, they don't fit right. That's life, right?

When I got my hair cut I had the ah-ha moment of, "hey you, it's OK to spend a little time on yourself. " Sounds simple enough, right? But the balance act! Yep, that taking a little longer each day to fix my hair requires some reshuffling- but you know what? It made me happy.  I liked looking back at that girl in the mirror.  And hey, while I'm fixing my hair- let's add a little lip stick too- MAKE IT RED, girl...oh and earrings!!! I love earrings (thus the exclamation marks). Little by little I realized that this "new me" felt a little more like the "real me" and the "old me" mixed into one short-haired version of ME. And I liked it. It gave me confidence that I didn't realize I had dropped.

So when I was beginning to feel an itch that something else in my life needed to change, it seemed like a natural progression to try out this Lularoe gig. I thought about it. I researched it. I prayed over it. I changed my mind and said NO, too much money.  Then I repeated the cycle but ended up with- I think I can do this. And here I am.

I am anxious. I am impatient, but I am ready for this new chapter in my life. I am overwhelmed at times too- but I am mostly excited. I've reshuffled my balancing act and this time it feels authentic.  And really, I'm not doing this all for ME.  My "WHY" is half me and half them. Because when they look at me and see my spark- it lights their fire too. As a Mom of 5 little girls- the gift I am giving them is me- and really, that is the best gift I can offer.  All is took was a few inches of my hair and a big leap of faith.


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